10 Most Unfortunate Advertising Placements: Advertising Fails

Sometimes, the very billboards and transit and vehicular advertising meant to enhance a brand’s reputation do the exact opposite! Welcome to our rundown of the top 10 most unfortunate advertising placements that drew more laughs than customers. We’re about to take you on a whimsical tour of the advertising missteps that will make you cringe and laugh in equal measure!

When it comes to billboard advertising, agencies have to double a check the wall or billboard they’re going to use. Even they do that carefully, in some situations after the ad is released to the public, strangest things can happen. For example, how could this underwear company called ‘’Delicate’’ anticipate the mud on their product? Or Nestle can imagine a dumpster would be placed in front of their ad. Results are creative and yet hilarious.
Check out 10 Most Unfortunate Advertising Placements…

10 – Yahoo

Yahoo - Unfortunate Advertising Placements

09 – Wildrose

Advertising Wildrose

08 – Turkish Airlines

Turkish Airlines
Turkish Airlines

07 – Taxi Target

Taxi Taget - Unfortunate Advertising Placements
Taxi Taget

06 – Starbucks


05 – Nestle


04 – Les Miserables

Les Miserables
Les Miserables

03 – Kitekat

Kitekat - Unfortunate Advertising Placements

02 – Delicate Underwear

Delicate Underwear
Delicate Underwear

01 – Coca Cola

Coca Cola - Unfortunate Advertising Placements
Coca Cola

Unmasking the Artistry Behind Street Advertising

Advertising isn’t simply a tool for marketing; it’s a form of art that requires creativity and wit. Particularly in outdoor advertising, where ads come to life amidst the hustle and bustle of busy streets, a different set of rules apply. Let’s dive into the colourful world of street graphics and the strategies used by savvy advertisers to catch our attention in the most public of places.

Guerrilla marketing, for instance, uses unconventional tactics to surprise consumers. Think of it as the rebel of outdoor advertising techniques, often used by smaller businesses to shake things up. Mobile billboards, on the other hand, are all about mobility. These ads travel to their audience, popping up unexpectedly to catch the eye and leave a lasting impression.

From disastrous mismatches of ad content with ad location, to innovative street advertisements that paint the town red (sometimes quite literally!), we’ve seen it all in this exploration of the highs and lows of advertising. In an era saturated with ads, whether it’s outdoor advertising or online, the best strategies are those that take a risk, respect their audience, and remember that a little humor never hurt anyone – provided it’s in the right place, of course!