10 Most Common New Year’s Resolutions

The start of a new year always gives us a chance to turn over a new leaf and make some changes for the better. The intentions are all good and well, but very few manage to last more than a few months – or even a few weeks! Despite knowing this, it doesn’t put us off. Here are ten of the most common new year’s resolutions that most people aim for. Do any of them apply to you? If so – be honest – how long will it last?

10 – Get more sleep


‘Angel Sleeps’ by planetchopstick

It’s a well known fact that a good night’s sleep is the key to a happier, more energetic, stress-free life. However, getting a full eight hours is easier said than done, especially with the demands of children, work, socialising, and good television! Striving to sleep longer and more deeply is a very popular new year’s resolution, in the hope that it will have a positive knock-on effect on all the other aspects of life!

09 – Do voluntary work


by Fort Meade

Giving up your time and energy to help a good cause is a very noble act – especially when you receive nothing in return. Aside from knowing that you’ve helped people or animals in need and made a difference to their lives, doing voluntary work is an incredibly fulfilling experience. This is what makes it so popular all year round – not just as a new year’s resolution!

08 – Drink less alcohol


Let’s face it. Drinking alcohol might seem like a good idea at the time, but it’s very expensive and the hangovers are awful. Wouldn’t it be better to have a whole extra pot of money, and wake up feeling great, with loads of energy to seize the day? Apparently many people think so, as drinking less alcohol is one of the world’s most popular new year’s resolutions. Recently initiatives have been set up to harness this dedication, where drinkers are encouraged to give up alcohol for the whole of January (or even longer!) and donate the money they save to charity.

07 – Get that dream job


What’s stopping you from stepping out and going for that dream job that you’ve always had your heart set on? If you’re stuck in a dead-end job that you don’t enjoy, handing in your notice can be a terrifying prospect. However, sometimes a new year is all the confidence boosting motivation that you need to make a new start. Take the opportunity to chase your dream and make the next 12 months a year to remember!

06 – Eat more healthily

Eat healthy
Eat healthy

As delicious as a large pizza and fries may be, it’s no secret that junk food is really unhealthy – and not to mention expensive! Believe it or not, healthy food doesn’t have to be bland and boring, but it does make you feel fantastic inside and out. That’s why eating more healthily and cutting out the junk food is one of the top new year’s resolutions ever.

05 – Learn something new


They say that knowledge is the key to success, so one popular new year’s resolution is to learn something new. Whether it’s a skill such as cooking, playing an instrument or speaking a different language, or even something like taking a course or gaining a qualification, the pursuit of knowledge is admirable. Don’t give up on this resolution like all the rest, because you never know when your new-found skills will come in handy!

04 – Spend more time with the family

Happy Family
Happy Family

‘Happy Family’ by David Amsler

In this fast-paced consumer-driven world where work and money are so important, it can be difficult to dedicate enough time to your nearest and dearest. During this time of reflection, take a look at how much time you spend with your family, and make a vow to increase this time as much as possible – in terms of both length and frequency! Family is the most important thing in the world, so make the most of it while you can!

03 – Save money and sort out the finances


After the crippling expenses from the holiday season, January always seems like a good time to make cutbacks, save money and get all your personal finances in order. For some people this just means saving for a rainy day, but for others it could be something as major as clearing any outstanding debts. Either way, this is a very popular new year’s resolution; it won’t be easy, but it will be rewarding!

02 – Stop smoking


When you consider the astronomical costs and the horrendous effects on your health, there aren’t really any benefits to smoking. Many people see it as being a dirty habit, which is why kicking the habit is such a common new year’s resolution. Smoking is an addiction that affects millions of people around the world, so congratulations if you have the willpower to stick to this resolution and give up smoking for good!

01 – Lose weight and get fit


You can’t deny that getting fit is one of the biggest new year’s resolutions in all corners of the globe. Gym membership subscriptions skyrocket in the first few weeks of the year, but sadly they’re often wasted. This may be one of the most popular resolutions, but it’s also one of the most difficult resolutions to stick to – too many people let it fall by the wayside within a matter of weeks. Don’t give up and you could change your life!