10 Most Legitimate Excuses for Taking Naps – Benefits of Napping

Let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a good nap? As busy adults, we often find ourselves craving those precious moments of shut-eye, especially during the day. However, napping sometimes gets a bad rap, with some people considering it lazy or unproductive. But what if we told you that taking naps actually has numerous health benefits? And that there are completely legitimate reasons to sneak in some zzz’s? In this guide, we will dive into the 10 most valid excuses for indulging in a rejuvenating nap, backed by science and health experts.

Napping isn’t just for toddlers or seniors – it’s a natural and healthy practice that can benefit everyone. A well-timed daily nap can boost your mood, increase your alertness, and even improve your memory. With so many health benefits of napping, it’s a wonder we don’t all make time for it in our daily routines. And for those who are looking to upgrade their napping experience, there are plenty of bed and mattress deals out there, with various mattresses models and bed models designed to provide optimal comfort for that perfect power nap.

10 – Napping promotes creativity

creativity - Taking Naps

We writers of listicles know how important creativity is! Seriously though, when you nap you replenish the creative juices. You know how the classic advice for when you’re pondering something and can’t get to an answer is “sleep on it”? Well you can get that same feeling of having “slept on” a problem when you nap. It’s truly amazing!

09 – It’s the most fashionable way to reduce stress


Stress balls are so early noughties! The new fashionable way to deal with stress is just to nap. It chimes with all the hype about sleep hygiene and actually really does reduce your stress levels by letting the body refresh itself and shake off the oppressive forces that are office politics and money worries! Do it in a swanky reclining chair in the office and you’ll be the envy of all your pals. Better still- take advantage of one of the many fine bed and mattress deals to be found online with companies.

08 – Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill – By United Nations Information Office, New York [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

Churchill won a war, smoked cigars like there was no tomorrow and wore his bow-ties with considerable panache. There’s nothing not to emulate in the great man, and that includes his propensity to nap. He was an unapologetic napper and sometimes had more than one nap per day!

07 – Napping improves memory

There’s something so disconcerting about the realisation that one’s memory just sucks. We’re more like goldfish than we tend to appreciate, and when it dawns on you that you’ve just had almost the exact same conversation with a friend that you’d had a month or two before, then it’s time to act. Napping improves memory. Do it!

06 – It’s the easiest way to help you lose weight

So many fattening things and they’re all so tasty! This is the civilisation we live in and any resource to help battle the bulge is to be taken advantage of. Napping helps with weight loss because a) it stops you feeling run-down enough to give way to the sugar and the naughty food in the first place and b) because it helps the body process all the junk and cleanse itself.

05 – Napping increases your alertness

Sleeping - Taking Naps

Napping increases your alertness. We said NAPPING INCREASES YOUR ALERTNESS. You see… you’re in need of a nap right now. If you don’t believe us then just try it. Next time you’re slumping over your desk or having to read the same line over and over and over again because you just can’t get a simple point through the fog of doziness then take a little power nap and prepare to be wowed by the results.

04 – You’ll need less sleep at night

Get a load of this…. If you nap in the day it means you don’t need to sleep quite so long at night. It kind of figures, but still, you wouldn’t necessarily think it worked like that, would you? It’s just perfect if you want to stay up all night watching episode after episode of the latest dangerously addictive show, or if you like staring up at the moon all night and wondering about the meaning of life….

03 – Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein – Ferdinand Schmutzer [Public domain, Public domain or Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

At number 3 it’s another endorsement by a historic figure. This time it’s the great physicist who invented time travel and rocked the windswept-and-interesting hair-do before anyone else. The great mind and moustache napped every day, and quite contrary to the last point he had copious amounts of sleep at night too!

02 – Napping lifts your mood

When a small child turns from a delight into a nuisance it’s generally because they either need to eat or sleep. When one feels oneself slipping from simply the best to an obnoxious pest, it’s usually for the same reason. Napping lifts ones mood in an astonishingly effective manner.

01 – It feels good

Taking Naps
Taking Naps

The top reason of all is unashamedly unscientific: it just feels good. It’s a genuine pleasure to nap, it’s a lovely feeling and what’s more an entirely innocent pleasure. There are no risks of any kind and there’ll be no accompanying bad conscience. So go on- treat yourself to a nice, wholesome nap. Pleasant dreams…

In conclusion, it’s clear that napping has a myriad of health benefits and can be an essential part of a balanced lifestyle. From boosting your mood to improving your cognitive function, there are numerous reasons to make time for a refreshing nap. So, the next time you find yourself feeling guilty for wanting to catch some shut-eye, remember these 10 legitimate excuses and embrace the art of napping. With the right bedroom furniture and an understanding of the importance of a healthy nap, you’ll be well on your way to reaping the rewards of this simple yet effective self-care practice. Don’t hesitate to check out some bed and mattress deals to elevate your napping experience and make the most of your restorative breaks. Sweet dreams!